Student Ministries

High School Youth Group – Wednesday Nights 6:30pm starting fall of 2024.

The purpose of youth group at Delavan CRC is to guide high school students into a closer walk with Jesus Christ and to build close relationships with fellow believers walking the same path of faith.

All High school students are welcome to join youth group to spend time as a community dedicated to growing as disciples of Christ. Each meeting includes a meal with fellowship together, games and laughter, prayer together in large groups and small groups, time in God’s Word, and meaningful discussion about how God’s Word lives and moves in us.

Service: Throughout the year, there are opportunities to put Jesus’ command to serve one another into action with neighborhood rake nights, sub sandwich sales, caroling in the community, soup suppers, and a mission trip that occurs every summer.

Please join us as we walk with one another and spur each other on in this journey of faith with Christ leading us all the way.

Contact: Sandy Mulder 262-203-0060