About Us

Our Vision

Our passion for ministry at Delavan Christian Reform Church (DCRC) is to serve Christ and his kingdom. At the heart of our passion is a vision to be new creations in Christ where together we experience life with God in his kingdom as we actively engage in God’s rescue operation to heal, transform, and renew the world. Come visit and discover a community of people who are awakened to the good news of Jesus Christ and surprised by how good the good news really is.

Our Mission

Our mission at Delavan Christian Reformed Church is fourfold.  We seek…

To celebrate our new life in Christ through Biblical, Spirit-led worship which proclaims Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord;

To be a caring family, demonstrating love for one another and reaching out to the community with the compassion of Christ, seeking to offer resources, helping to meet spiritual, emotional and physical needs so that people might be made whole;

To create opportunities for people to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and help each other find practical ways to obediently apply Biblical truth to our lives;

To communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a relevant  manner in order to bring people into the family of God, to stand for what is right and just, and to cooperate with others to extend God’s kingdom throughout the world.

Our Faith

We believe that eternal life is a free gift from God, not earned or deserved;  human beings are sinners who cannot save themselves; God has revealed himself through the Bible;  Jesus is the Son of God sent to redeem us from the power of sin and death; and trusting in Jesus Christ alone brings this eternal gift of eternal life.

We are committed to the infallible Word of God; Christ as the Lord of our lives; and a life of gratitude to our God and Savior.

See the Resources page for more information about our doctrinal beliefs.